Capture the heartwarming bond of Two Gentle Old Souls, two English Springer Spaniels enjoying their retirement years together, with our unique digital art service at Maxwell’s Art Works. Submit your cherished owned photograph to us, giving it to us to own and we'll transform it into a digital masterpiece. By sharing your photo with us, you permit us to create a personalized digital image that encapsulates the essence of your beloved pets. This service not only immortalizes precious moments but also aligns with our commitment to offering meaningful and artistic experiences for pet lovers. Experience the timeless charge of these two majestic spaniels in our Fine Art Digital Art collection.
Note: Beige Border replaces the white border in this piece.
ESS-WC-Two Gentle Old Souls
Maxwell’s Art Works is a digital art service, where you can transform your beloved Show or Pet Animals, Plants and Wildlife photographs into a stunning piece of fine digital art. For your photographs that you own and due to your submittal to us, we will automatically have full ownership of the photograph for our use. Please note, we do not sell one-of-a-kind prints as our digital art will be sold to many. There are no upfront fees for this service, as the digital art will be available for purchase by multiple buyers. Please note, not every photo submitted may be used. We are seeking appearances and expressions that give our clients a tender moment, a cute response, an awe moment for them to say to themselves, “I want this print.” It is our hope that you will enjoy your own art print of the photograph you submitted and will purchase one for your own.
When submitting the photograph, the photograph should be:
-of high resolution no less than 1 MB disk space
-taken in bright light to view the details
- taken at the level of the animal, close to see details, not from above or an any angle of the animal.
-with a clean animal, facing forward, showing the eyes and nose in full view
- If a show animal, the coat is to be in a full breed standard groom.