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For the following information, please click on the underscored text that will provide you with more information.  Thanks.

About Us:   Although we seldom breed, Maxwell's English Springer Spaniels desire to obtain the best temperament and intelligence for our particular breed of dog.  We concern ourselves with all the typical health requirements such as PRA, CAER (Formerly CERF),

OFA Hips, OFA Elbows, OFA Patellas, DNA, Cardio, Thyroid, FN,HN-English Springer Type, and other health requirements as needed.

We also consider other factors when we breed:

1.  The AGE when to breed English Springer Spaniels is extremely important.  Typically, Rage in English Springer Spaniels will show up between four (4) months old and as late as two and one half (2.5) years old.  Although we have never seen rage in our lines, it is a possibility, like all breeds, to rear its ugly head.  Therefore, we do not breed our English Springer until they reach three (3) years of age depending on when their season begins. This gives a little extra time to make certain our dogs clear this issue.   

2. The MATURITY of the dog, related to the Growth Plates, needs to close before a dog is bred as well. Some of the growth plates close early. But the critical closures may take as long at twenty-four (24) months depending on the size of your Dog.

3.  Also, we TEST all our dogs for inherited genes.  The tests you read about in our first paragraph are the ones we obtain and PASS on all our dogs.  Most of the tests required the dog to be twenty-four (24) months before the tests can be certifiable.  Not only do we expect our dogs to pass all of these tests, but we also expect whichever dog or bitch we breed with to pass all of the same tests we provide as well.

4.  We strive to follow the American Kennel Club's Standards and The English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association's recommendations for breeding.  It encourages structure, health and temperament to meet these guidelines.  In following their recommendations, we also obtain our AKC Champion of Title prior to breeding.  Obtaining a Champion Title means our dogs match up as closely as possible with the AKC Standards.  Some of our dogs go on with their competitions and obtain their GCH titles and CH titles from other countries as well.  Some go into performance and obtain titles in that venue as well.  But, if you want a performance dog and wish to breed it, it must be AKC Champion titled dog before we consider breeding to it.

5.  With all of the above in mind, Maxwell's Kennel has earned the AKC title Breeder of Merit and accomplished the AKC title Breeder of H.E.A.R.T.

Click here to Confirm or Find a Breeder of Merit near you. If you want to check us out, use Maxwell, our last name and Tennessee for the State.  We are there.  

6.  With all of the above in mind, our breeding pairs must meet the same requirements we strive to accomplish for Maxwell's Kennel.  Again, it is our hard work, endeavored work over the years to allow us to produce puppies sold on either a Show or Pet Contract.  It is our hopes to pass onward the quality of an English Springer Spaniel wither or not our puppies are placed in a Show Home or a Pet Home.  

We are members in good standings with:
The American Kennel Club
English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association
Chattahoochee English Springer Spaniel Club
Tri-Star Kennel Club of Williamson County, TN
Nashville Kennel Club


What to Expect

3-5 Days Old

-Dew Claw Removal
-Tail Docking
-Mommy Dog Check-up After Whelping

3-8 Weeks Old
-CAER Testing
-First Set of Puppy Shots

8-10 (or 12) Weeks Old
-Breeder Evaluation
-Puppy Pick-up

AKC Registration
After everyone picks up, we will do your AKC Registration for you. 

We pay your TN taxes for you too.

We Also Provide

-Show/Pet Contracts
-Puppy Book with Medical Records
-A Puppy Food mixture for our client to take home to  help with the transition to their choice of puppy food.
-Once/week "LIVE Video from our Home to Maxwell's Puppy Tales (MPT),  our private FB Group of Past, Present and Future Clients
-Daily photos/videos placed in our private FB Group so our clients may download and keep for themselves  
-We place your dog's pics in our Client's Video on this website for you to share.  


Our prices are based on co-ownership of the puppy and we shall co-own the puppy until the Contract is Met:

-Our price is dependent on the economy.  We shall determine the cost at or near the time of the whelp and it shall be posted on Maxwell's Puppy Tales. (MPT).
-We do not take deposits. 
-The purchase shall be CASH or GUARANTEED FUNDS at puppy pick up time.

Should any of our litters arrive via C-Section, the cost of this procedure will be split among the number of puppies within a litter and added to the cost of each puppy.


Both Show and Pet Contracts will be accessible on Maxwell's Puppy Tales for our clients to read/ask questions at any time.  When our client comes to pick up their puppies, we will go over the contract with our client and answer any questions needed.  All clients will fill in two contracts so both parties (the Breeder and the Client) will have an original contract.  

The contract shall include some American Kennel Club Breeder Rules and we will discuss that with the client at any time and as required.  For either contract, the co-ownership will remain until the contract is met.  When the contract is met, the dog will be fully owned by the client. 

Puppy Pick Up

On Puppy Pickup Day, our clients will need to bring their funds to purchase their puppy.  We never take deposits, so the full amount is due at Puppy Pick Up time.  We prefer CASH; however, we will take a CASHIER’S CHECK for the full amount.  We do not take-charge cards, PayPal, Venmo or personal checks. If you arrive with a personal check, you will need to get it cashed prior to picking up your puppy. 

All dogs shall be received, by the owner-our clients, at one of the following locations: 

1. Our Home: We prefer you to pick up your puppy at our home. We will specify several days available for puppy pick up.  We will work with each client and schedule you.

2. At BNA National Airport (Nashville, TN):  All our fliers will work with us and our other clients to designate ONE day to travel into the BNA airport. Based on your flight’s arrival time, we will schedule a time/location for us to meet, fill-in paperwork and answer any questions our clients may have.  Please, provide us, at least, two hours before you schedule your return trip. This amount of time is necessary to fill-in the paperwork. 

You will NOT NEED to bring anything with you.  The less you can carry, the better off you are.  BUT, YOU WILL NEED a puppy carrier, collar/leash and a water dish. That is all.  We do not recommend you bring a suitcase.  We will provide you a nice size bag to carry back with you.  It will include your Puppy Book (includes your contract), food, treats/toys and cleaning wipes.

If you find your trip to be exceedingly long and wish to stay overnight, there are hotels near the airport and the airlines have shuttles to take you there.  We would meet on you on your second day - the pre-planned day our other clients have selected to meet at the BNA airport to obtain their puppy.

In addition to the Puppy Purchase, there will be an EXTRA FEE of $120.00 for our airport parking and gas expenses that will be paid for by our clients we meet that day.  When we find out how many puppies will be picked up that day, the amount will be split equally and paid, IN CASH, to us.  This fee is not part of the purchase of your puppy.  So, you will know, in advance, how this will be. 
For examples:
If we have 5 puppy pickups, it will be $24.00 each puppy owner
If we have 3 puppy pickups, it will be $40.00 each puppy owner

For both the pickup locations, our clients will need a minimum of two (2) hours to fill in the paperwork and ask questions. So, hopefully, we can schedule each client accordingly.  

*During AKC RULES for COVID-19:  We will follow the AKC rules on this matter.  All puppies shall be picked up at our home location.  The client shall not pet any other puppies but their own.  Our home will not be accessible for any usages.  Local Restaurants will be available for your personal needs.  A mask shall be worn as needed.  

Our Philosophy 

We breed to obtain show puppies.  We do not breed to obtain pet puppies.  Even though we treat all the puppies in a litter as a show puppy, we do not expect to place all our puppies into the show home environment.  The majority of puppies are placed in the pet home environment. 

To get you started with obtaining a pup from us, you just simply contact us, via our email and provide us with two non-related references  and your contract phone number.  We will contact you back and have discussions.  At that time, if we ask, you will need to inform us, up front, if you wish to have a Show or a Pet Puppy and which sex.  But, before you contact us, please read onward so you will know what to expect.

SHOW DOGS ARE REQUIRED TO BE SHOWN and are on an Unlimited Contract.  The gest of the contract indicates that the dog shall be kept in tact, earn an AKC Champion of Title and all health certifications obtained prior to breeding.  There is more in the contract then this and the contract will be posted on Maxwell's Puppy Tales (MPT) for our clients only.

PET DOGS ARE NOT TO BE SHOWN and MUST BE SPAYED OR NEUTERED and are on a Limited Contract.  The contract will detail the requirements and will be posted on Maxwell's Puppy Tales (MPT) for our clients only.

The Breeder's Evaluation process occurs when the puppies are 8-10 (12) weeks old.  We have other Breeders come in to evaluate our litter and rank the top two of each sex to go into our show homes.  We reserve those positions for our show home clients.  
-Most of the time our show home clients let us know up front if they wish to obtain a show pup from us. 

-Some of the time, the show home clients wait until after the Breeder's Evaluation is complete before they confirm that they want a show pup from us.  

-If we end up with show home clients wanting a pup, they get to pick from the top two of each sex reserved for the show home client.  
-If we do not obtain show homes, then the pet home people may end up with a show puppy for a pet.  

NOTE:  Most of the time the show home client informs us, up front, that they wish to have a show puppy from us. We add their name to our list.  This also lets us know the balance of the list and where the pet clients will be on that list.  However, we do get a surprise when a show home client contacts us while raising the litter or until after the Breeder's Evaluation process.  Then, they let us know they want one of our show puppies.  Keep this in mind because we do breed for the show home client and this may cause a shift  in the number of puppies left to be placed in the pet homes.  This is why we ask our clients not to tell us which is their favorite puppy because their choice may end up being the top-pick-of-the-litter. Like for us, all our clients must love each puppy the same.  

We allow some time after the Breeder's Evaluation in case we have show clients who wish to discuss the puppies with us.  After that, we start with our first Pet Home Client giving them the chance to pick from the balance of the litter.  If the pet home signed up for a male, they pick from the males.  Likewise, if the pet home signed up for a female, they pick from the females.

The Order of Things

When you come onto our list, we generally have not bred yet. We are all waiting for this event to begin. Once it has started, we notify our male owner and start our testing immediately.  Both the male and the female obtain their Brucellosis tests. The female continues with Progesterone Testing for the proper time for breeding.  While this is going on, we post, on MPT, our list of all our clients for all to see. You will know where you are in the list and which order you are to pick a puppy.  For instance Show Home 1 will pick prior to Show Home 2.  Pet Home 1 will pick before Pet Home 2.  It goes onward the same way.  The Client order is based on when we were contacted.  

You are with us all the way through. You will see all our test results and charts we create of the progesterone test to determine the best time to breed, the ultra sound to see if our Mommy is pregnant, the X-Ray to count the number of pups expected and the whelping details as well.  We have set up a spreadsheet for all sorts of info you may like.  You will watch our puppies grow. You will see a chart watching the weight of each puppy as the weeks go by.  You will see milestones.  You will meet our vet while she inserts microchips.  You will go with us for the CAER eye test.  You will be here with us during our first set of puppy shots. You will know the ranking of the top two show pups per sex.  You will will know everything.  You will meet new friends/clients and some of our previous clients.  I think you will enjoy our processes from the start until ...........

We will post pic/videos in our private FB Group MPT.  We will post some photos on our mainstream page; but, not many / day like seen in MPT.  

Over the course of watching our puppies on videos and pics, you will know personalities of what you may like. Some suggestions we will provide from our "Live videos from our home to MPT" is structure and details for show dogs, how to correct some behaviors, which pup may seem to be more advanced in intelligence and which pup is the best for kids.  Our videos/pics will bring a variety of information about our puppies to share will all our clients.  This will assist our clients to know which pup they desire for their own home.   

The point is, we, Maxwell's Kennel will be here for you all the time.  We will answer or help you even after your pup goes to your home.  Raising puppies is not just that.  It is a life we are responsible for, that is, for our pups' their entire lives.  

Our Stud Dog Breeding Program

In addition to our breeding program, we offer Stud Dog Breeding. All our dogs are AKC Champions of Title, at minimum, and OFFA HEALTH CERTIFIED based on the English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association Parent Club recommendations.  The breeding female shall also meet these same requirements too. 

In addition to the above paragraph that has been on our site since 2002 and as of today, May 29, 2023, we are, presently, writing up a Stud Dog Breeding Contract.  All clients, we have previously discussed verbally with for a possible future breeding, will now be required to sign our contract.  We will no longer accept verbal agreements.  

AKC Champions of Title not only include Bench Titles, but Performance Champion Titles as well. 
The following is a list of AKC CHAMPIONS OF TITLES:

AFC Amateur Field Champion 
CCH Bench Show Champion
CGCH Bench Show Grand Champion
CH Champion
CNC Nite Champion
CSG Bench Show Supreme Champion
CT Champion Tracker
FC Field Champion
FCB Field Champion-Brace
FCGD Field Champion-Gundog

FCLP Large Pack
GCH Grand Champion
GCHB Grand Champion-Bronze
GCHG Grand Champion-Gold
GCHP Grand Champion-Platinum 
GCHS Grand Champion-Silver
HC Herding Champion
MACH Master Agility Champion
OTCH Obedience Trial Champion
PACH Preferred Agility Champion

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